Saturday, August 16, 2008


You didn't think I forgot about this did you?
Or maybe you did.
Doesn't matter.

It's not that I forgot
Simply that I've been procrastinating.
This log of my musical journey is supposed to be for myself
But I often neglect the sides of myself that deserve actual attention.
Anyway, I digress.

I realize that it's been a while since I've done anything, really.

I did order a new Mic off of eBay (I love that site)
Like an actual recording mic
It -looks- like a recording mic
And that's why I got it.

I've been slacking
I know I shouldn't
And I need to work on that.

Since MP3MyMP3 had a little bit of difficulty recording things at a certain noise level
I've decided to start experimenting with Audacity
It's really useful
But, I know nothing of how to use it correctly.
That's half the fun of experimentation.
What's the other half?
I don't know.

Today I decided that I'd play "Crazy" by Gnarls Barkley
That wonderful mash-up with Cee-Lo and Danger Mouse.
Starts out rough
Gets slightly better.
...I don't know what I was doing at the end.
I got a little out of hand.
It happens.

Thanks to (an massive online storage website)
I can have plenty of space for these kinds of things.

...don't hide that excitement, I can see it in your eyes.

I make no promises
I tell no lies
I don't do things everyday
Although I do try
I am very lazy
Which I'm sure you'll say
I am not Michael Phelps
...I just play.

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