Wednesday, June 25, 2008


I've always been interested in the guitar.
I can't explain why
I just have been.
And for a long time I was afraid to touch one
Afraid I might break one
Or worse...sound awful.

My first year in college, I actually got to play one.
My friend Megan had an Ibanez guitar sitting in her room gathering dust.
I asked if I could borrow it
She was like "Sure, I don't play it"
And I, for the life of me could not understand that concept.
So, I took it to my dorm
And fumbled around with it.
It was hard
My hands hurt like fuck
But...I finally got to play a guitar.
Of course, I'd never play in front of people...God no.
But the guy in the room next to me heard me playing and decided to teach me a thing or two.
It wasn't much, but it got me started, Thanks Sam.

Yes, I know this is a "Money Shot"
and I'm clearly being cheesy as hell
But I was happy.
My first time with an acoustic guitar.
It was...nice.

I've never had a teacher
I probably never will
So I had to find my way through various lessons
Older people giving advice and tips
And I never could do things right
But it's alright
I'll keep trying.

I tried learning chords and tabs
But all that was above my head
So for a while I just strummed the only notes I knew.
G, C and E.

Eventually I got around to trying to figure out how to play a song
From my favorite band, System of A Down.
Their song "Roulette".


Here's my version:

And my attempt at the verse:

And yet again, with my vocal accompaniment.

I know I don't sound particularly pleasing to anyone's ears
But I still like to play
That's really all I have to say about that.


For those of you who don't particularly care for my albeit novice version
Or are just interested what the original sounds like
You can find it here
(NOTE: I do not own the rights to this song, I do not encourage stealing or copyright infringment
listen to it and be done with it)

I'm a guy
with a guitar
I'm not very good
...I just play.

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